Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Pet names

Everyone has them, right?I have not had one in a long time but just recently acquired a new one: Koala. The guy who gave it to me is a really sweet guy that I have been seeing for a short while now. It is interesting to have that again. I am supposed to be the chick who does not get emotionally involved. I find myself being drawn to this guy in a way that I have not been drawn to anyone in a while. He is kind and when he spends the night, it is refreshing to wake up and feel his arms around me. I asked him what he was getting out of all of this and why he continues to come by when I have told him that I am not looking for anything serious. His answer: He is happy with the way things are between us right now. It is nice having a guy who is not pushing for anything serious as some of the other guys that I have been out with have been. Right now, I just have too much other stuff going on to even consider getting serious with anyone right now. Most guys are not very understanding of the whole poly thing either. Anyone who wants to get serious with me has got to understand that first!

1 comment:

  1. that is so sweet. I wish every guy was like that. mine was like that.
