Thursday, April 2, 2009

Sunday's date

I went out with a really nice guy on Sunday. We went to eat and then to the park. Standing there and looking out onto the lake was really cool considering it was late night before the park closed. However, I let this guy know that right now I really do not have the energy to devote to anything more serious than just casual dating and he has been calling me non-stop. Seriously, while some ladies may find it charming, I find it irritating. Calling me and texting me all hours of the day is rather annoying as I have a schedule that is not what most people have since I work overnights, Yes, I usually wake up around 5pm but there are those days that I like to sleep in, especially when I have something that is going on in the morning and I do not get to sleep when I should. Do not text me when I first wake up, as I am a grouchy bitch. Not something I am proud of, just a fact of life.

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